Hi, I am Shaka Riddell, I am 16 years old and have been earned a scholarship to study in Florida for 2017. I was selected by Impact New Zealand Basketball Association. They have offered me accommodation and schooling but my family and I are now faced with raising enough funds to get me there. The funding will be used for travel, insurance and visa expenses.
I live at home with my mum, my 85 year old grandmother and my sister.
My dad died two years ago from cancer and he disowned me when I was two years old. My mum works at a stadium as an administrator and earns a minimum wage. My mum is the sole financial contributor for our family and she has struggled for years to make ends meet. I have had to miss out on opportunities due to finance on many occasions. We were evicted from our house in June this year and a kind family took us in until we found alternative accommodation. Now things are slowly looking up and this opportunity will give me and my family a chance to hopefully have a better future.
I began playing basketball when I was 8 years old. My older brother used to play and I just happened to pick up the ball too. Over the years I have had people watch me play and take me under their wing.
I have represented Manawatu at regional level in basketball for over 5 years and represented my country of New Zealand in basketball for over three years. My big goals are to either play basketball in Europe or in the NBA.
I need help to reach my dreams. Throughout my life the opportunities have been there but the financial hardship has always been in the way. My family has suffered enough for my dreams and now I want my dreams to help my family and I. I hope this beautiful country where I was born and raised can help me get to where I know great things will happen for me.
I’m not Steven Adams – but I have a passion and drive like he does and I always know that home is where the heart is.
Thank you for any support that I may receive from this. You truely dont know how much these opportunities mean to me.