Tena Koutou Katoa, Ko Atawhaia toku ingoa! I am 15 and I live in Timaru. I have been selected for the New Zealand ISA U15/16 Girls team travelling to Sydney in September!
I started playing softball in 2015, we moved home from Australia, and my dad started coaching a kids under 12 team, and I really enjoyed it, I became a catcher and I still catch and love it.
I moved to another team and became the only girl in a boys under 13 team, and that’s how it’s been for quite a while. We made the choice to travel up and down to Dunedin for games and this year decided to travel to Christchurch twice per week for games and training. I also play for the Timaru Boys High School Team.
My parents have chosen to support me in the sport I love, they are both softballers themselves. All their spare money has gone into my gear and travel etc, leaving very little in te whanau kete.
They have sacrificed their weekends for me and love to support me. However, I know they get tired from stressful work and a lot of traveling.
To date, I have been picked up initially from Otago for the U15 girls team for nationals in 2016/2017. The following year after a winter traveling back & forth to Dunedin for winter training with the Otago Womens team, U15 Otago and U17 Otago girls teams I was then selected for NZ ISA U15 Girls.
I am in need of some financial help to get there, I am applying for jobs to help in between my study and games and training (I also play secondary schools wed night in Timaru , and Senior Social on Friday nights) in addition to co-coaching our girls U13 representative team here in South Canterbury,
Any support will be greatly appreciated and will help me get to Sydney for the tournament. I have fundraising Ideas that I can help mum and dad with also!