Hi Everyone, we are the New Zealand Tag20 youth girls and u14 boys Tag20 teams.
We are heading to Melbourne Australia to compete in the Oceania Heritage Cup in November.
Last year we competed in the Oceania Cup for the first time and NZ WON! We took out the youth girls and the 14 boys grades, we would like to have the chance this year to defend the title, however, we cannot do this on our own. Our parents have been tirelessly fundraising to get us all there from running bonus tickets to sausage sizzles but as you can imagine this is not enough, every child needs $1900, this covers, flights, transport, accommodation, food, tournament fees and uniforms.
Tag20 is the 21st-century evolution of sport, the game is fast and exciting, combining all of the best attributes associated with the rugby code while eliminating the tackling.
Players can side step, kick and pass the ball while promoting the ball down field to ultimately score a try in the opposition’s in goal zone. Defenders stop the attacker’s progress by removing one or both tags located in the hip region on their Tag20 shorts.
Seven (7) players in each team are allowed on the field at a time,
The skills performed in the game of Tag20 are similar to those from other sports and rugby codes, the major difference being the tag replaces the impact of a tackle. Thus creating a fun game which enhances your quality of life through fitness and sport. It can be played by many and enjoyed by all while getting you “GAME FIT FOR LIFE”.
Our training has become intense. It was fortnightly on a Sunday but now it is weekly on a Sunday for 3 hours, as the tournament draws near we will go into a weekend camp and increase the training to 2x weekly. The fitness is hard and our coach trains us to be the best that we can be and challenges us to always push past the pain and see the reward at the end.
Please consider our amazing teams. Your support is greatly appreciated.
We thank you for your consideration of supporting our journey!