I started playing basketball when i was at primary school. When I became familiar with the sport I started to enjoy playing every Thursday nights. Since then i had been selected to play for the A teams for Napier Intermediate. During my last two years of primary, my mum sent me to a basketball clinic which improved my skills and grew stronger so my mum said to me, “I think its time you trial for the U15 HB Basketball squad”. I was so excited. So my mum took me to the trials and two weeks later, i found out i got selected to play for the U15 HB Basketball squad. Unfortunately, my mum withdrew me from the team due to expensive costs. At that point, I was disappointed with my mum and i didn’t understand why she withdrew me. Later on, the travelling became exhausted for my mum because she was working full time and petrol costs was not going to met with other costings. So, my mum withdrew me from my school basketball team. My whole life was becoming a nightmare, my dreams of getting a scholarship to play professional basketball was not gonna happen, now I’m not myself.
During the 2015 christmas holidays, I went for a holiday to my dad in Swanson and had been praying throughout my holidays to become a professional basketball player. When I arrived back into Napier from my holidays, my mum asked me, “What do you want out of High School boy?”. Straight away I replied “Apart from achieving great grades, I want to play basketball mum”. On our way home, my mum never said a word. Now that I have started High school, I told my mum in a polite way “Mum, I wanna play basketball, I want to get a scholarship and I want to make you proud. Please don’t withdraw me this time, we will help each other to work things out in terms of money”. You should’ve seen the look on my mums face, “Son, I don’t know how we are going to afford it but you deserve to make an effort and make your dreams come true”. I was so happy when my mum said that. I came home from school one day and my mum was waiting in the car at home and asked me to get ready for basketball trials. I was so excited. Three weeks later my mum received an email to say “Congratulations, your son Tremayn has been selected to play for the Hawkes Bay Basketball Under 15s”. I was double excited. A week later I came home and gave my mum a letter from the school to say “Congratulations, I would like to offer a place for Tremayn to be a part of the Napier Boys High Basketball B team. Although the A team is not officially a squad, Tremayn may have the ability depending on his skills to make it to the A team”. Straight away, my dream was about to come true.
Now that Im all excited, my mum is trying to look for money to help with the costs and at this moment she cannot be of help as she had her operation yesterday (10 March 2016). Now this morning when I woke up to get ready for school, i showed my mum my letter from the school to say that I have been selected to participate and represent Napier to travel to Auckland for Atheletics. Now my mum is so happy for me she is stressing out on how to find the money. I am that excited this is my first experience playing in a tournament. So my journey begins, fundraising time.
At the moment my mum lives on a set income because she is studying Bachelor of Nursing which means her income pays for home bills eg: rent, power, phone, car and groceries. Therefore i have been selected to represent Hawkes Bay Under 15s basketball, representing my home town (Napier) for East Coast Athletic Championships and Napier Boys High School Junior B Basketball team. I will be travelling to North Harbour on 24-28 March for the Hawkes Bay Under 15s basketball, then travelling to Auckland for Athletics on 1-3 April and travelling to Rotorua on 7-10 April for Napier Boys High School basketball team. All three events are so close together as my mum is unable to help cover the travelling, accommodation and food costs. I am asking iSport Foundation to help towards the costs of travelling, accommodation and food.
Chosen to represent Hawkes Bay Under 15s basketball, representing my home town (Napier) for East Coast Athletic Championships and Napier Boys High School Junior B Basketball team.
Tremayn dreams of getting a scholarship to play professional basketball!